Watch The Fight Against Sex Slavery
Fighting slavery means finding stable employment.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans (OATH) was established in 2008 by the Oregon Human Trafficking Task Force (OHTTF) to encourage citizens to “Take The Oath” to help combat the growing scourge of human trafficking within the state of Oregon.
The OATH campaign is the volunteer, public awareness, education and outreach branch of the Oregonian Human Trafficking Task Force (OHTTF). OATH members recognize that human trafficking is a terrible crime that exploits innocent and vulnerable people locally and globally. By becoming an OATH member one agrees to learn, advocate and take practical action steps to stop human trafficking. Whether it is noticing a possible trafficking situation and calling the national human trafficking hotline (1-888-3737-888), or helping to plan a public awareness rally, OATH members pledge to take action in their community.
Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans and The Oregon Human Trafficking Task Force invite you to use the resources on this website to create sustainable solutions to prevent people from being trafficked and create long term solutions to end it in our state.
To prevent the exploitation of men, women and youth, by educating and promoting practical community engagement by Oregonians in order to end the tragedy of trafficking.