Fight Child Labor In India
The city of Jaipur in India has taken significant steps to fight child labor. Learn more about how you can get involved.
The Michigan Rescue and Restore Coalition is all about "Building Community." We acknowledge our commitment to work within our state to engage the broader community to help us help you gain access and information to what is going on in our region. Armed with data, together we can boldly and confidently tell the story, provide the help and promote healing to our community and the people who are most vulnerable. We value the people of our State for their love for humanity to become incensed about the violation of the human rights of women and children. Because of this human bond together we can make a difference and build a stronger community so more people can be educated, and equipped to serve the hurting, deliver them and set them free from the bondages of Human Trafficking.
"To raise awareness of this atrocity with an expectation that will foster ideas, programs, services to individuals within the city, region and state with knowledge on the journey toward eradicating Human Trafficking.”