Stop the Spread of Human Trafficking Myths
During the summer of 2020 many falsehoods about modern-day enslavement spread over social media. Learn why this harms the anti-trafficking movement, and how you can help stop it.
History vzw is a Brussels-based independent non‐profit organisation incorporated by citizens in 1998, dedicated to advancing independent cross-border investigative journalism across Europe in order to promote democracy. It ultimately serves the public interest, furthers accountability as well as transparency, and contributes to critical thinking and well-informed debate. administers grants to foster exemplary investigative journalism throughout Europe and beyond and to promote journalistic innovation.’s flexible grants programmes enable journalists to produce relevant public interest stories with a European mind-set from international, national, and regional perspectives.
We believe that journalism is crucial to fostering living democracies throughout Europe. We are dedicated to advancing independent and investigative journalism across Europe that serves the public interest, furthers accountability as well as transparency, and contributes to critical thinking and well-informed debate.
We aim to promote and develop professional journalism in Europe in response to the challenges and opportunities stemming from increased digitalisation, the internationalisation of political, business and criminal power structures, as well as changing revenue models.