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During the 25 plus years that Patrick Atkinson has worked in human rights and development in poverty-stricken areas and war zones, he has personally witnessed forced slavery and human trafficking. On numerous occasions he has intervened for the victims and forcefully documented these human rights abuses. In response to this growing problem, Atkinson founded the Institute for Trafficked, Exploited, & Missing Persons (ITEMP) in 2001 as a means for raising public awareness and social action against contemporary slavery and human trafficking. Since then, ITEMP has experienced tremendous growth and professional and public acceptance.
Now an international coalition of volunteers and professionals, ITEMP raises social awareness throughout the United States, Central America, Southeast Asia and Europe; conducts field research on human trafficking; and develops prevention, protection of victims, and prosecution of aggressors programs worldwide.
ITEMP is internationally headquartered at The Atkinson Center in downtown Bismarck, North Dakota in a facility separate from that of The GOD'S CHILD Project. ITEMP has a satellite office in Minneapolis, MN. In Central America, ITEMP is based in Antigua, Guatemala. In Africa, ITEMP is based in Blantyre, Malawi.
To end contemporary slavery and human trafficking through public awareness, research and direct intervention